• #Smart Learning

    Teaching Your Brain



    Brain in Tuition

  • What We Could Achieve?

    We want to bring together the worlds leading thinkers, developers, futurists to help make a leap forward for Brain Learning and Brain Intuition. A Personalised Health data API that works with AI to help you ask right questions via simple menu type recipes?


    1.1 Your Optimised & Peak Well Being

    With your help we want to develop an open sourced platform thats helps the human race better understand our gut and Brain intuition. We simply ask for you to provide us as much data as you are comfortable with and we will then provide information in a clear and precise manner that will help you monitor your physical and mental health.


    We will provide simple event driven programming against IOT API’s and smart wearables. We will use simple recipes which are triggered based on changes in geolocation, device feedback, physical biofeedback, diagnostic feedback or user driven input.


    Brain in Tuition is a system that learns with you, as you learn with it. We will build the software to combine your physical biofeedback data and give you the neurological insights that will help you discover your own science of optimised well-being and enhanced performance. You simply attach your desired Health data and ask the right questions via simple recipes?

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    What We Could Achieve?

    1.2 What is BRainInTUition Value proposition

    Value proposition: - In order to live a happy life we need to be in tune with our Brains and the underlying history of thier evolution


    Brain In Tuition is your brain learning how to manage itself in a natural intuitive manner. Brainintuition.IO is a system that learns with you, as you learn with it. We are attempting to combine biofeedback data from sleep patterns, diet, heart rate and your own interpretations to the senses you have access to. self and coupling this with your physical being and insights from neuroscience you discover your own optimised well-being.

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    What We Could Achieve?

    1.3 Objective


    In order to be ready for the next 30 years of client challenges, we wanted to build a dynamic business model. The aim is to maximise wellness and ability for on demand enhanced performance.


    Our IPAAS Service uses AI and Machine Learning and we do the integration work on your behalf. You simply put recipes together to ask for date points of your life. This happens in the background and provides a real-time dashboard of your star of being. Other Apps, Websites and date sets can tap into your API and pull your data. Hardware and wearables can easily use our Power Api to deliver data to the Internet of things.

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    What We Could Achieve?

    1.4 The Human Brain


    Whether we’re augmenting the human brain or making important new discoveries about the origins of our universe, now more than ever we’re changing the course of our species beyond fathomable recognition. It’s in our human nature to wander and transcend with the aid of science and technology. Where we go from here is anybody’s guess, but’s it’s a journey we’ll be making together. Welcome to the future! We often hear a lot about the great strength of the human intuition How do we perceive and learn to accurately listen to our intuition. We know it is often a better decision maker than our rational mind. If only there was a tool that was always on and providing this feedback in realtime.

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    What We Could Achieve?

    1.5 The Wellbeing Human

    Brain In Tuition is a practical framework for you to improve your energy levels and enhance all areas of the experience we call life. The country with the highest average life span is Monaco with 85.52 years or about 30,000 days and the aim of this platform is to give you the tools to make each of those 30,000 days the best that can be through out your life from birth to death.

    • You will discover how to improve your focus, improve your mental fitness and flexibility, and enhance your natural creativity. 
    • You will gain an understanding of when you are at your best and how to perform better. 
    • You will discover how to regulate your emotions and develop greater resilience. 
    • You will learn how to optimise your physical, emotional and mental state, and how to develop your skills over time.
  • Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    • 2.0  Resilience to Peak Performance
    • where do we come from, whya are we hear and where are we going are some of the most enduring questions that have troubled mankind.
    You need to look at the rise of mankind and technological skill sets to understand the speeed with which things are merging.
    We will have computer human interfaces that are exponentially better than the mobile devices and finger controls that we have today. the speed with which this is happening is unprecedented.
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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    • When we ask the question why are we here, the answer must be to perform at our peak for the longest time possible.
    • however the correct way to approach life is like an evolutionary survivalist and to evolve 
    • our story starts at the beginning of the universe about 13.8 Billion years a go.  Ultimately we are part of the universe and so its sotry is part of our story.
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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    • If the aim is to peak we need to understand what we are capable of.
    • the human brain is incredible and is thought to be the most complex thing in the known universe.
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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    • resilience is the ability to control the large factors affecting life and survival, physical health, mental health, economic wealth, a learned mind with 
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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    • peak performance
    • more power
    • Lets talk about the concept of self improvement. we lets treat the brain the way a weight lifter treats muscles.  what acan we do to hack and improve the brain.
    Does size of the brain matter?
    • bigger brian 
    • more complex brain 
    • neuroscience
    • brain technology
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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    Travel at the speed of light?

    Can we make computers as fast as the speed of light.

    Everything has a real physical speed limit and this includes both sound and sight

    When we move information through our neural networks do we send information faster than the speed of light?


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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    Information sharing

    Humans evolved through information sharing

    Speed of human to computer interaction.


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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    • The best brain possible
    • Larger, faster, more information.
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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    • Can we add structures to the brain
    • Brain Development


      The fifth week of pregnancy, or the third week after conception, marks the beginning of the embryonic period.

      This is when the baby’s brain, spinal cord, heart and other organs

      Week 7 Seven weeks into your pregnancy, or five weeks after conception, your baby’s brain and face are rapidly developing.

      Tiny nostrils become visible, and the eye lenses begin to form.

      The arm buds that sprouted last week now take on the shape of paddles. By the end of this week, your baby might be a little bigger than the top of a pencil eraser.

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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance


    After gastrulation the notochord—a flexible, rod-shaped body that runs along the back of the embryo—has been formed from the mesoderm.

    During the third week of gestation the notochord sends signals to the overlying ectoderm, inducing it to become neuroectoderm. This results in a strip of neuronal stem cells that runs along the back of the embryo.

    This strip is called the neural plate, and is the origin of the entire nervous system. The neural plate folds outwards to form the neural groove. Beginning in the future neck region, the neural folds of this groove close to create the neural tube (this form of neurulation is called primary neurulation). The ventral (front) part of the neural tube is called the basal plate; the dorsal (rear) part is called the alar plate. The hollow interior is called the neural During this time, the walls of the neural tube contain neural stem cells, which drive brain growth as they divide many times.


    Gradually some of the cells stop dividing and differentiate into neutrons and glial cells, which are the main cellular components of the CNS.

    The newly generated neutrons migrate to different parts of the developing brain to self-organize into different brain structures.

    Once the neutrons have reached their regional positions, they extend axons and dendrites, which allow them to communicate with other neurons via synapses.

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    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance

    2.0 Resilience to Peak Performance


    Brain Development

    we produce 700 new neutrons per day in the hippocampus.

    You might think this is not much, compared to the billions of neurons we have.But by the time we turn 50, we will have all exchanged the neutrons we were born with in that structure with adult-born neutrons.

  • 3.0 Technology + Computers

      3.0 Technology + Computers

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      mobile phones

      A small tagline

      If you think of the capabilities of computers, you probably think as though we have achieved brain like tech. this is far from the case.


      However we have come a huge way.

      In order to understand the huge evolutionary jumps that we will be making in the very near future we must look at the very basic building blocks in the evolutionary path to our very complex brains. Once we remind ourselves of the incredible journey we can better understand how the future ma look.


      The history of the universe, the establishment of Humans



      With the internet and the availability of mobile phones and computing power that exceeds those that put an astronaught on the moon.


      social networks and huge data storages


      It is worth mentioning that logic and reasoning which comes from left side of the brain is desirable however “In our modern world we develop something that looks awfully like the left hemisphere’s world: we priorities the virtual over the real, the technical becomes important.

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      Computers - Hemisphere

      A small tagline

      Computers - Hemisphere


      The Wizzard Hat


      The Wizzard Hat brain interface will feel so complete, so smooth, so biocompatible, and so high-bandwidth that it feels as much a part of you as your cortex and limbic system.


      Level 3: I just know the fact I want to know the second I want it. I don’t even know if it came from the cloud or if it was stored in my brain. I can essentially treat the whole cloud like my brain. I don’t know all the info—my brain could never fit it all—but any time I want to know something it downloads into my consciousness so seamlessly and quickly, it’s as if it were there all along.


      Human / gut intuition is the part of the human methodology that could be outsourced and be integrated with computers. We would hugely benefit from computers running the repetitive maths that is required for various living functions. Where in fact computers would take part in activities of the left part of the brain. Nowadays we live in a world which is entirely made on rationality with a network of small complicated rules that cover the surface of life and limits the freedom of thoughts.

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      A small tagline

      In computers, information in memory is accessed by polling its precise memory address. This is known as byte-addressable memory. In contrast, the brain uses content-addressable memory, such that information can be accessed in memory through “spreading activation” from closely related concepts.


      Your car (or whatever people use for transportation at that point) will pull up to your house and your mind will open the car door. You’ll walk up to the house and your mind will unlock and open the front door (all doors at that point will be built with sensors to receive motor cortex commands).

      None of this stuff will take any effort or thought—we’ll all get very good at it and it’ll feel as automatic and subconscious as moving your eyes to read this sentence does to you now.

      The reason that Autonomous cars will be everywhere is that computers will take less time to react.


      So you’ll have sensory input capabilities and sensory output capabilities—or both at the same time. This will open up all kinds of amazing possibilities.

      Say you’re on a beautiful hike and you want to show your husband the view. No problem—just think out to him to request a brain connection. When he accepts, connect your retina feed to his visual cortex. Now his vision is filled with exactly what your eyes see, as if he’s there. He asks for the other senses to get the full picture, so you connect those too and now he hears the waterfall in the distance and feels the breeze and smells the trees and jumps when a bug lands on your arm. You two share the equivalent of a five-minute discussion about the scene—your favorite parts, which other places it reminds you of, etc. along with a shared story from his day—in a 30-second thought session. He says he has to get back to what he was working on, so he cuts off the sense connections except for vision, which he reduces to a little picture-in-picture window on the side of his visual field so he can check out more of the hike from time to time.

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      A small tagline

      • DNA is just another digital storage device.

        Instead of binary data being encoded as magnetic regions on a hard drive Looking forward, they foresee a world where biological storage would allow us to record anything and everything without reservation. We simply don’t have the storage capacity.

        There is a reason that backed up data is usually only kept for a few weeks or months The worlds total data can be stored in a few hundred kilos of DNA It’s also worth noting that it’s possible to store data in the DNA of living cells though only for a short time.

        Storing data in your skin would be a fantastic way of transferring data securely Where other bleeding-edge storage mediums need to be kept in sub-zero vacuums, DNA can survive for hundreds of thousands of years in a box in your garage.

        DNA storage is fast enough for very-long-term archival. however, a slow process, as the DNA needs to be sequenced in order to retrieve the data intended for uses with a low access rate such as long-term archival of large amounts of scientific dat It’s incredibly dense it’s incredibly stable

        One gram of DNA can store 700 terabytes of data have successfully stored around 700 kilobytes of data in DNA
      • Copied it 70 million times. 
      • 700 terabytes in a single gram of DNA. 
      • Successfully stored 5.5 petabits of data


      Of course, similar things can be done in computers, mostly by building massive indices of stored data, which then also need to be stored and searched through for the relevant Although this may seem like a rather minor difference between computers and brains, it has profound effects on neural computation

      usage of the knowledge

      A small tagline

      increasing the usage of the knowledge which comes from the right hemisphere and the need to return what that knows about a broader context would be essential.


      Right now, you can go on YouTube and watch a first-hand account of almost anything, for free. This would have blown George Washington’s mind—but in the Wizard Era, you’ll be able to actually experience almost anything for free. The days of fancy experiences being limited to rich people will be long over.

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      The role of the right brain

      A small tagline

      The role of the right brain in dealing with large scale problems in todays global village is vital.

      With computers becoming increasingly used at handling the linear processes, the competitive advantage for humans is in the ability to access the power of the right hemisphere. This would be happening via a well-designed human- computer-interaction; an artificial new brand brain; an intuitive brain empowered by computers.


      Communication—the flow of information into and out of your brain—is only one way your wizard hat will be able to serve you.

      A whole-brain interface can stimulate any part of your brain in any way—it has to have this capability for the input half of all the communication examples above. But that capability also gives you a whole new level of control over your brain. Here are some ways people of the future might take advantage of that:

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      2.7 zettabytes

      A small tagline

      • The world's 2.7 zettabytes (2.7 followed by 21 zeros) of data are mostly held on hard disk drives: magnetic disks that work like miniaturised record players, with the data read by sensors that scan over the disk's surface as it spins. 
      • But because this involves moving parts, there are limits on how fast it can operate.
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      "solid-state" drives

      A small tagline

      For computers to run faster, we need to create "solid-state" drives that eliminate the need for moving parts essentially making the data move, not the device on which it's stored. Flash-based solid-state disk drives have achieved this, and store information electrically rather than magnetically.However, while they operate much faster than normal hard disks, they last much less time before becoming unreliable, are much more expensive and still run much slower than other parts of a modern computer -- limiting total speed.

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      Operating systems

      A small tagline

      Operating systems We have discovered that humans appear to have two very different “operating systems.” System 1 is our quick, instinctual, and often subconscious way of operating – it is controlled by our right brain and by other parts of our brain that have been around since prehistoric times, known as the “limbic” and reptilian” parts of our brain.


      System 2 is our slower, more analytical, and conscious way of operating – it is controlled by our left brain and by newer parts of our brain that have only developed since prehistoric times (also known as the “neocortex”).


      This is the bad bit.


      Researchers have found that intuition is part of System 1, which is why it comes on so rapidly and often does not make rational sense to us. In other words, intuitive decisions are not something that we have thought out carefully with reason, but rather choices that have arisen quickly out of instinct. But not to forget that in general, the two hemispheres of the brain work together to orchestrate every human activity.

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      shifting between rationality and intuition

      A small tagline

      Yet neuroscientists suggest that the two hemispheres approach every situation slightly differently. Understanding and enhancing the use of one side or the other can enhance creative endeavors However it is not true that one part of the brain does reason and the other does emotion. In fact both are profoundly involved in both. Moreover is not true that language resides only in the left hemisphere.In the other words creativity is about shifting between rationality and intuition. Interactive connecting of the left part of brain to the intuition source of right brain can provide outstanding performance in decision-making and problem solving. researches suggest that the human intuition may also be integrated with computers where in fact computers would take part in activities of the left part of the brain.

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      Computers - Hemisphere

      both hemispheres 

      Computers - Hemisphere

      Nowadays we live in a world which is entirely made on rationality with a network of small complicated rules that cover the surface of life and limits the freedom of thoughts.

      With the internet and the availability of mobile phones and social networks and huge data storages “In our modern world we develop something that looks awfully like the left hemisphere’s world: we priorities the virtual over the real, the technical becomes important.


      With computers becoming increasingly used at handling the linear processes, the competitive advantage for humans is in the ability to access the power of the right hemisphere. This would be happening via a well-designed human- computer-interaction; an artificial new brand brain; an intuitive brain empowered by computers.

      One solution being developed is 'racetrack memory', which uses tiny magnetic wires, each one hundreds of times thinner than a human hair, down which magnetic "bits" of data run like a data web.

      Worth mentioning that logic and reasoning which comes from left side of the brain is desirable however increasing the usage of the knowledge which comes from the right hemisphere and the need to return what that knows about a broader context would be essential.

      The role of the right brain in dealing with large scale problems in todays global village is vital.

    • 4.0 Brain in Evolution

      Show off your projects, features, or clients in this section.

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      seven billion individuals

      From the same elements

      Even though the Evolution of the human brain. At about 2 million years a go there was an evolutionary big bang where a few complex organisms grew sophisticated compound eyes and harnessed the light that filled the universe. Before they emerged no organism in the universe used light to change their behaviour. We don't know of any life on any other planet that uses light. Primitive cells that could detect light and in a very primitive way. The evolution of the eye plays a role in the complex evolution of the human brain.

      Time & Evolution

      About 400 million years ago, iodine ?? stimulated the evolution of the nervous system in amphibians transforming the aquatic, vegetarian tadpole into the terrestrial, carnivorous frog with better neurological abilities for hunting. Senses. Mammals process such information with their cerebral cortex. The elephant nose fish has just a relatively small brain and no cerebral cortex at all but nevertheless switches back and forth between the senses. And then from about 500 years ago, humans began to link up globally through shipping, through trains, through telegraph, through the Internet, until now we seem to form a single global brain of almost seven billion individuals. And that brain is learning at warp speed. It is often thought that Dominance in the brain is defined by which hemisphere houses the ability to create and understand verbal language.

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        populations multiplied.


        Then 10,000 years ago, exploiting a sudden change in global climate with the end of the last ice age, humans learned to farm.

        Farming was an energy bonanza. And exploiting that energy, human populations multiplied. Human societies got larger, denser, more interconnected.


        The fact that you even exist is incredible. The fact that half of you come from one single sperm and not another. The fact that it was that ejaculation and egg on that day. The fact that the earth, one of a trillion planets, is so perfectly positioned near the sun, only 10,000 similar

        and has chemicals such as h2o is astonishing


        The brain becomes much clearer and more meaningful when you examine it in light of the evolutionary processes that create us.


        Universe - New The neocortex is the most advanced object and ultimate solution of the universe as we know it. It's the final pinnacle product that the universe has produced. And it has not stopped its evolutionary path. In fact, the neocortex in the human brain is evolving at an enormous speed.


        The Universe


        We can marvel at how incredible that in this brief flickering moment life can exist and we seem to be the top.


        13 Billion years ago there was nothing and then there was a bang and everything we have ever known since appeared from that point.


        13.8 billion yrs old time is insane 180,000 years humans alive 2.8 billion earth made 10,000 planets where there is potential for life



        Living on this revolving mass

        Celestial clock ticking away for 4.5 billion years which is a long time considering the universe is 13.8 billion years old.

        Stable enough for long enough to allow for evolution to play.

        It has taken a third of the universe for humans to develop a lan unbroken chain of life that stretches back almost 4.5 billion years

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        Evolution of the Brain

        A small tagline

        Every evolutionary line has developed independently and most animals are perfectly adapted to their environment. They are not in the process of extinction, and they live in perfect harmony with their surroundings. The same could be said for most of the species that populate the Earth, even though their brains are far smaller than ours.



        The higher a star's mass, the shorter its lifetime. Stars larger than about three times the sun's mass will expire before life has a chance to evolve. Conversely, the smallest stars weigh less than 10 percent as much as the Sun.


        The stars above us will glow for 10 trillion years, giving life ample time to emerge on any planets they host. As a result, the probability of life grows over time. In fact, chances of life are 1000 times higher in the distant future than now.


        One CM3 of brain tissue as many neurons in there as there are stars in the galaxy.


        Your Brain is the most complex thing in the known universe

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        inferior form of human beings

        A small tagline

        It is still common to hear other animals discussed as if they were some inferior form of human beings — as if there were some kind of natural ladder on which human beings obviously occupied the top rung. But that is not what we actually see in nature.


        We can trace our ancestors back through time but in reality it is at the start of the universe where our story must begin.


        Every atom in your body was once part of something else. The reason rocks of the earth can become living things and then return to become rocks is because everything is made from the same basic ingredients. Those ingredients are the 92 chemical elements (118?) which are the building blocks of everything on earth. Everything is made up of these simple elements configured in different ways. The endless recycling of the earths resources.

        These chemicals are very reactive and enables them to combine with one another and make new substances and this has lead earth to create this endless variety which includes us. The science of chemistry knows that these elements are the same across the huge vastness of the universe. Each element burns in its own characteristic colour and its this property which tells us of the chemical make up of our galaxy. Each element within our sun not only emits light of a certain colour but it also absorbs it. We are ultimately made of the same stuff as the stars and the galaxies.

        in order to understand where we came from we need to understand what happened in those first beautiful moments after the big bang. Just as a symmetrical cloud of steam cools into water liquid we see liquid crystals form as it freezes, the building blocks of everything we know of in quantum physics were formed as quarks in the universe cooled seconds after the big bang.

        The construction of chemical elelments is so very simple. It is the number of protons in the nucleus that defines the type of element from the simplest chemical element being Hydrogen with a Singlel proton the nucelus is the centre of a particular single atom. From hydrogen you can make all the other chemicals.


        This is called Nuclear Fusion and only happened in one place in nature in stars like our sun. Only a fraction of a interior of the Star can power to heat required 15 million degrees where the sun burns 600million tonnes of hydrogen


        Our sun only converts hydrogen into helium. It is in the death of much older stars where temperatures get hot enough to make the other elements. As a start explodes to thousands


        We need to understand what is going in depth of the star. As the star tries to defy the laws of gravity and implode on its own weight new elements are made in a sequence of separate stages. While there is Hydrogen to burn vast amounts of energy is released and makes an outward force. Once hydrogen is finished burning the outward pressure will disappear and the core collapses. At 100 million degrees we see helium fusion occur and this now creates more outward pressure. Path the same time 2 other elements are created that are vital for life. Every atom of carbon and oxygen was produced in the heart of a dying star.


        This time takes only a million years which is a blink of an eye.


        In Very very large stars thousands of times greater than our sun the fusion process can continue and when the helium runs out the gravity takes over again and carbon fuses into the other heavy metal elements. Core collapse, fusions and this repeats many times to create all the elements until the star finally turns into IRON FE and this is where the fusion process stops. So you could image a candy ball of elements with iron on the inside and then concentric rings of elements all the way to a hydrogen edge gas.


        When the star runs out of energy the entire star falls in on itself. This is the destiny that awaits all of the stars in the universe.


        The implosion of the star only emits 26 of the elements.


        The universe will eventually decay away through entropy and the arrow of time and as stars turn to black dwarfs and

        It is only in the final 15 seconds of the very largest supernova that the heaviest elements can be formed. It is only in the largest stars where temperatures can get to the hottest in the universes. If you were to look at the galactic core of a galaxy with billions of suns burning the lights from a super nova would be a similar strength


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        difference with humans

        A small tagline

        That is the difference with humans with have not learnt to mimic nature and find balance. It seems success, from an evolutionary standpoint, does not depend on brain size. Our larger brains have not replaced smaller ones, but have simply added to them. The larger brains that developed later on are simply the result of evolution's intrinsic tendency to try out all the possibilities. The growing complexity observed everywhere in nature is not the “objective” of evolution, but rather a side effect of its endless experiments over thousands and thousands of years

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        differences in the evolutionary development

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        Chemistry Earth


        Rocky planets like our Earth are significantly more complex than stars because they contain a much greater diversity of materials. So we’ve crossed a fourth threshold of complexity.


        In order to get life you need the perfect conditions for chemistry which is found on planets which are just the right distance its star. Living organisms are created by huge packages of chemicals dominated by the electromagnetic force. You also need a great diversity of chemical elements and you need liquids, such as water which allows these chemicals to hitch up together.


        The chemistry of carbon allows a molecule to replicate itself and pass on some computer code from generation to generation

        There can be random mutations in that molecule, mutations that allow

        They are tested by thier interactions with the environment around them and the other living things.

        The ones that pass that test get a leg up

        And survive and that ones that don't are lost.

        We have one the race for survival as a species. Ur the test gets more complicated.

        The separation and isolation on to living things which may be islands or XYZ speciation. Occupy niches within niches.

        As profits as thermodynamics we have another thermally nuclear war law the theory of evolution which should apply throughout the cosmos.



        But the differences in the evolutionary development of the various parts of the brain have an even greater effect on behaviour than brain size does.

        The various species of vertebrates are very similar in the way that their brains are organized

        The majority of mammals are born with a brain close to 90% of the adult weight. Humans are born with 28% of the adult weight, chimpanzees with 54%, bottlenose dolphins with 42.5%,and elephants with 35%. Interestingly it seems that all brains in humans and other animals seem to have a similar cost of doing business. They cost aboutf 6 calories per Billion Neurons per day so any animal supporting a billion neutrons would require a minimum of 6 calories per day. The human Brain is about 86 Billion Neurons and is the most complex thing in the known universe.
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        A small tagline



        Earth was almost perfect. It was just the right distance from its star to contain huge oceans of liquid water. And deep beneath those oceans, at cracks in the Earth’s crust, you've got heat seeping up from inside the Earth, and you've got a great diversity of elements.

        So at those deep oceanic vents, fantastic chemistry began to happen,and atoms combined in all sorts of exotic combination But of course, life is more than just exotic chemistry.



        The earth is only 2.8 billion years old

        3.7 billion years ago on the primordial earth

        The starting journey of life on earth and it seems you need vast expanses of time but do you need the gaps from complex cells to simple life

        The Earth has had a dominant species before but in the wake of an Asteroid 65 million years ago mammals bred to become



        And we human beings are part of that creative evolutionary pulse that began 65 million years ago with the landing of an asteroid.


        In biology, we look for rules that apply to all animals and to life in general as a means to learning about the world around us.


        How do you stabilize those huge molecules that seem to be viable? Well, it's here that life introduces an entirely new trick. You don’t stabilize the individual; you stabilize the template, the thing that carries information, and you allow the template to copy itself.

        And DNA, of course, is the beautiful molecule that contains that information.


        For most of that time of life on Earth, living organisms have been relatively simple — single cells.

        But they had great diversity, and, inside, great complexity.

        Then from about 600 to 800 million years ago, multi-celled organisms appear.

        You get fungi, you get fish,you get plants, you get amphibia, you get reptiles,and then, of course, you get our mammalian ancestors, who flourished in the niches left empty by the dinosaurs.


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        Title Text

        A small tagline

        For example, all vertebrates have a forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, within which are found all the major neural systems that have evolved to perform functions common to all species.

        A larger brain or cortex contains a larger number of neutrons.

        But what increases the most in mammals is the number of connections between these neurons and the efficiency.



        The proportion of white matter in the brain (and hence of the axons that make the connections) grows steadily as one proceeds from rats to human beings.

        However, the various species also have areas of the brain that have specialized in distinctive ways in response to the specific constraints of their environments.

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        The human brain size

        A small tagline

        The human brain size


        The human brain is about three times larger in volume than we would expect in a primate of comparable size, and the proportions of its parts to one another are different than in other primates


        Most of the types of cells in our body die and are replaced every two months. neurons, the primary cells of our nervous system do not multiply after we are born. Average human body is 50 trillion cells and 1 trillion make up nervous system. Today neurons in brain are same age as you hence feeling the same today as when you were young.But connections change over time depending on experience

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        remarkably constant

        For instance, the cerebellum is a part of the brain involved in co-ordinating muscle movements, and its weight as a percentage of the brain's total weight remains remarkably constant in all mammals.

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        A small tagline

        MONKEY???? In contrast, the percentage for the neocortex varies greatly from one species to another. In fish and amphibian brains, there is no neocortex. In shrews, the neocortex accounts for 20% of the brain's weight, and in humans, it accounts for 80%!




        For example, all vertebrates have a forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain, within which are found all the major neural systems that have evolved to perform functions common to all species.

        A larger brain or cortex contains a larger number of neutrons. But what increases the most in mammals is the number of connections between these neurons and the efficiency. The proportion of white matter in the brain (and hence of the axons that make the connections) grows steadily as one proceeds from rats to human beings.

        However, the various species also have areas of the brain that have specialized in distinctive ways in response to the specific constraints of their environments.


        The human brain size The human brain is about three times larger in volume than we would expect in a primate of comparable size, and the proportions of its parts to one another are different than in other primate Most of the types of cells in our body die and are replaced every two months. neurons, the primary cells of our nervous system do not multiply after we are born. Average human body is 50 trillion cells and 1 trillion make up nervous system. Today neurons in brain are same age as you hence feeling the same today as when you were young.But connections change over time depending on experience

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        Connection - Monkey Brain

        A small tagline

        Connection Through an amazing leap, mapped through primate / monkey Evolution we developed the Primate Human Cortex on top. This incredibly complicated brain which we know little about and yet struggle with as a species of 7 Billion brains interconnected both physically and technologically.


        Then a long way before that was a complex cell. Then pro carrier. Today, most scientists share the view that it is behaviour, not structure, that must be the measure of intelligence within a species. We only have earth to study. The mixture or upheaval and challenges on a relatively stable system. Compounding effect of time.

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        Brain - Left and Right Hemisphere

        A small tagline

        When we trace the brain’s evolution from fish to amphibians to reptiles to mammals and finally to humans, we see that the parts of the brain that have grown the most in human beings are in the neocortex, and more specifically the prefrontal cortex.


        The brain is one of the most complex entities in the universe. The brain of a modern human consists of some 100 billion cells, each of which connects and communicates with up to 10,000 other cells. Together they forge an elaborate network of some one quadrillion connections.

        2 sides of the cerebral cortex

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        Functions - complex

        A small tagline

        The brain does not have just one single function on which evolution might operate. The brain is rather a collection of systems or modules each controlling different functions. In the realm of emotions, for example, we know a fair amount about the various systems where feelings of fear, anger and disgust originate. It is like compounding Interest that the brains of highly developed social animals get bigger as they require the ability to predict others behaviour.


        Under stress, as your heart rate increases and adrenaline and cortisol production increase, you become more primed for fighting – and less primed for thinking.

        In each moment of every day, a conversation is taking place inside us that’s one of the most vital we will ever find ourselves engaged in. It’s the silent, often subconscious, and never-ending conversation of emotion-based signals between the heart and the brain

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        presence of positive

        A small tagline

        • In the presence of positive emotions, such as appreciation,gratitude, compassion, and caring, the brain releases a very different kind of chemistry into the body.
        • When we feel a sense of well-being, the level of stress hormones in our bodies decreases, while the life-affirming chemistry of a powerful immune system with anti-aging properties increases.
        • Just as we can have the fight or flight response we can turn it off by not putting ourselves into that position. The Amygdala rigs your body to monitor and scan all incoming stimulation in the immediate environment to determine level of safety.
        • The only way to train the brain is best with constant bio feedback.
        • The shift between the stress response and a feeling of well-being can happen quickly. techniques that are found to have such benefits upon our health are the same ones that create the resilience in our minds and hearts. This is the key to personal resilience in life
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        A small Intuition.

        The quality of our emotions determines the instructions our hearts send to our brain There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.

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        great strength of the human intuition

        great strength of the human intuition

        ~Albert Einstein We often hear a lot about the great strength of the human intuition How do we perceive and learn to accurately listen to our intuition We know it is often a better decision maker than our rational mind. If only there was a tool that was always on and providing this feedback in realtime.


        Brain - language: - Now what makes humans different is human language.

        • We are blessed with a language, a system of communication, so powerful and so precise that we can share what we've learned with such precision that it can accumulate in the collective memory. 
        • And that means it can outlast the individuals who learned that information and it can accumulate from generation to generation in a form of collective learning that makes humans so creative and powerful
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        mechanics of the creative process

        A small tagline

        To understand the mechanics of the creative process of a decision, it is useful to have a deeper understanding of the structure and functioning of the brain. Brain is divided into a left and a right hemisphere called cerebral hemispheres (neocortex). Within the two hemispheres there are the neocortex and limbic system (including the corpus callosum). These four parts are profoundly divided yet well interconnected to each other.


        So we can imagine the early universe breaking up into a billion clouds.

        And each cloud is compacted, gravity gets even more powerful as density increases. The temperature begins to rise at the centre of each cloud, and then, at the centre,the temperature crosses the threshold temperature of 10 million degrees, protons start to fuse, there’s a huge release of energy, and bam! We have our first stars

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        Brain mechanics

        A small tagline

        The left and right halves of the brain do function in some different ways, but these differences are more subtle than is popularly believed. 

        the left side processes small details of things you see, the right proce

        sses the overall shape don’t work in isolation; rather, they always work together as a system.

      • 5.0 Reptilian and Mammalian Brain

        Feed me

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        Bottom - Reptilian Brain

        A small tagline


        This structure is further complicated by having On top of it you have the Mammalian Sub Cortex which seeks Satisfaction and Contentment. This state of anxiety is often unhelpful for us as our threats are often no longer physical.

        Reptiles. Complex life evolved In The oceans. The reptilian brain consists of the upper part of the spinal cord wrapped in the spinal column and wrapped in the ENS. All modern mammals have this reptilian complex, including humans. Innermost in our brain is what is called the reptilian brain, its oldest and most primitive part.


        The reptilian brain appears to be largely unchanged by evolution and we share it with all other animals which have a backbone. This reptilian brain controls body functions required for sustaining life such as breathing and body temperature.

        Reptiles are cold-blooded animals which are warmed by the daylight sun and conserve energy by restricting activities when it is dark. The biological clock (controller) for their activity-rest cycle is located in the eye itself {10}. At this level of evolution, behavior relating to survival of the species, such as sexual behavior, is instinctive and responses are automatic. Territory is acquired by force and defended. Might is right. --- Reptiles do not dream, but animals which have evolved from the reptiles (mammals & birds) do dream. The reptilian mind is still operating in that mental state "dreaming." There is no “dreamstate” in reptiles because this mentality is their waking state.



        Reptilian Brain

        Reptilian brain Does X reptile have a neocortex - In shrews, the neocortex accounts for 20% of the brain's weight, and in humans, it accounts for 80%! Next to evolve from the reptilian brain was the mammalian brain. An enormous change took place as mammals evolved from reptiles the mammalian brain containing organs. For the automatic control of body functions such as digestion, the fluid balance, body temperature and blood pressure (autonomic nervous system, hypothalamus) For filing new experiences as they happen and so creating a store of experience-based memories (hippocampus) For experience-based recognition of danger and for responding to this according to past experience. And for some conscious feelings about events (amygdala) To this extent the mammal is more consciously aware of itself in relation to the environment. Millions of neural pathways connect the hippocampal and amygdala structures to the reptilian brain and behavior is less rigidly controlled by instincts. It seems that feelings such as attachment, anger and fear have emerged with associated behavioral response patterns of care, fight or flight.


        with the mammalian brain emerged feelings such as attachment, fear and anger and those associated behavioral response patterns that plague us like a modern day virus.


        And human emotional responses depend on neuronal pathways which link the right hemisphere to the mammalian brain which in turn is linked to the even older reptilian brain.


        The human brain is about three times larger in volume than we would expect in a primate of comparable size. The proportions of its parts to one another are different than in other primates \



        Giving warm-blooded gives mammals a distinct advantage in may habitats, allowing them to be active when reptiles are hardly able to move.


        In the early mammals being endothermic probably allowed them to be active at night when competing reptiles were forced to rest or be sluggish


        brain stem and add the spinal column you get what could better be called the nervous system brain.

        "Reptile" just doesn’t convey its significance. It permits one to look at the patterns of thier own life in a more neutral way, with a kind of curiosity, to see this particular pattern of energy in the way this intelligence works in the oldest brain.


        Reptilian Brain


        Our Reptilian brain stem is the oldest and most evolved for its purpose. The lizard seeks safety and survival. The reptilian brain stem which comes from my ancestral lizard that requires survival and safety.

        As humans we need safety, food, water, peace. home We want to Pet our Lizzard

        This is a job, money, freedom to manage the environment


        The Reptilian Brain Stem is your Instinct or inclination towards a specific behaviour that dates back to our ancestors. This is at the base of the brain is where those flight or fight responses come in to play.

        The adrenalin rush to fight and punch, The need for oxygen when deep diving.

        The reptilian brain is connected through the body by the Brain built from bottom up.


        Instinct is your inclination towards a specific behavior that dates back to our ancestors. This is at the base of the brain in the reptilian part of the animal - flight or fight.


        Stress - fight or flight In an ideal world we would manage this ‘fight or flight’ response.

        This helped our mammalian ancestors get out of trouble and survive for the DNA to be passed on.

        This doesn’t sound too bad unless you think about it in the opposite way, That response is the feeling of diminished attention, memory or decision making suffer when you’re stressed?


        Reptilian Brian - Vegas Nerve

        Operating far below the level of our conscious minds

        The vagus nerve is vital for keeping our bodies healthy.

        It is an essential part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming organs after the stressed ‘fight-or-flight’ adrenaline response to danger.

        Not all vagus nerves are the same, however: some people have stronger vagus activity, which means their bodies can relax faster after a stress.

        It is this ability to return to the state of calm that is the resilience we need

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        Middle - Mammalian Sub Cortex

        Satisfaction and Contentment

        Brain Evolution




        They found that songbirds and parrots had twice as many neutrons across the whole brain than mammals of a similar brain size, including primates.


        Birds have evolved brains that can cram more neural stuff into them, even though they are generally smaller than mammals. The need to reduce body size (and subsequently brain size) for flight may have driven this adaptation. There are two ways birds could have increased the number of their brain cells; either by reducing the size of their neutrons or reducing the number of their neural connections.


        Birds probably did both. brains aren’t just collections of neuronal cell bodies, they also contain the wiring (dendrites and axons) that connects them together. Dendrites are the short projections sprouting from cell bodies that typically receive information from neighbouring neutrons, whereas axons are longer fibres that transmit information to neutrons located further away.

        Mammalian Brain 2

        2. Feed the mouse.

        Thoughts Mammalian brain - it is not difficult to master your intuition with practice and mindfulness.

        2. Satisfaction

        2. Feed Mouse

        2. Mammalian Sub Cortex = Limbic Brain = Emotions = Mouse = Satisfaction = Feed Mouse

        2. Satisfaction = Contentment - grateful - food - health - football (feed the little mouse)

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        Top - Hug the monkey

        A small tagline

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        Children and growth

        A small tagline

        Best performance when using the entire brain even when doing maths

        Memory is visual

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        Children and growth

        A small tagline

        Brain Evolution




        They found that songbirds and parrots had twice as many neutrons across the whole brain than mammals of a similar brain size, including primates.


        Birds have evolved brains that can cram more neural stuff into them, even though they are generally smaller than mammals. The need to reduce body size (and subsequently brain size) for flight may have driven this adaptation. There are two ways birds could have increased the number of their brain cells; either by reducing the size of their neutrons or reducing the number of their neural connections.


        Birds probably did both. brains aren’t just collections of neuronal cell bodies, they also contain the wiring (dendrites and axons) that connects them together. Dendrites are the short projections sprouting from cell bodies that typically receive information from neighbouring neutrons, whereas axons are longer fibres that transmit information to neutrons located further away.

        Mammalian Brain 2

        2. Feed the mouse.

        Thoughts Mammalian brain - it is not difficult to master your intuition with practice and mindfulness.

        2. Satisfaction

        2. Feed Mouse

        2. Mammalian Sub Cortex = Limbic Brain = Emotions = Mouse = Satisfaction = Feed Mouse

        2. Satisfaction = Contentment - grateful - food - health - football (feed the little mouse)




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        Children and growth

        5.5 Reptilian Brain

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        5.0 Brain Evolution +

        5.5 Reptilian Brain

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        5.0 Brain Evolution +

        5.5 Reptilian Brain

      • 6.0 ENS - enteric nervous system

        6.0 ENS - enteric nervous system

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        3 brains

        A small tagline

        3 brains There are large areas of collective neutrons in the heart and the gut leading to thoughts that we have 3 brains.


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        ENS - enteric nervous system

        A small tagline

        • Embedded in the wall of the gut, the enteric nervous system (ENS) has long been known to control digestion. 
        • It can work both independently of and in conjunction with the brain in your head and, although you are not conscious of your gut “thinking”, the ENS helps you sense environmental threats, and then influences your response.
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        A small tagline

        • “A lot of the information that the gut sends to the brain affects well-being, and doesn’t even come to consciousness,” Now it seems it also plays an important role in our physical and mental well-being. 
        • Made up of various types of neutron it produces a wide range of hormones and around 40 neurotransmitters of the same classes as those found in the brain. 
        • In fact, neurons in the gut are thought to generate as much dopamine as those in the head. 
        • Intriguingly, about 95 per cent of the serotonin present in the body at any time is in the ENS. 
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        A small tagline

        Biology - Biome UBiome Biology Microbes have been around longer than anything else on Earth, longer even than dinosaurs.  If you imagine Earth began as a single day: Microbes appeared at 5am Dinosaurs appeared at 10pm ... and humans appeared seconds before midnight There are 10 times more bacteria in the average human’s digestive system than there are cells in the entire body including the brain. There are more microbes on one person’s hand than there are people on the planet

      • 8.0 HOW TO FEEL - WELLBEING HRV / Aging​

        Show off your projects, features, or clients in this section.

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        Self-fulfilling prophecy

        A small tagline

        • mood can often be a "self-fulfilling prophecy",
        • as experience related moods cause a person to perceive subsequent events more negatively,
        • potentially leading to a depressive episode.
        • Experiences affect mood, which in turn affects subsequent experiences.
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          • Mood influences our perception of reward outcomes
          • such that outcomes are perceived as better when one is in a good mood relative to when one is in a bad mood
          • This change in mood leads to a subsequent change in behaviour
          • thus allows us to adapt to fast moving environmental factors.
          • how well things are going (in terms of cumulative earnings) but whether they are going better than expected.
          • the difference between expected outcomes and obtained outcomes.
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            A small tagline

            In each moment of every day, a conversation is taking place inside us that’s one of the most vital we will ever find ourselves engaged in.

            • It’s the silent internal chatter We often hear a lot about the great strength of the human intuition, but rarely are we taught how to accurately listen and perceive our intuition.
            • Even though it has been proven time after time that our intuition is often a better decision maker than our rational mind
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            drowned out by your irrational thoughts

            A small tagline

            And so, one must ask, how do we develop our ability to utilize our powerful decision-making machine? 


            One thing is for certain and is supported by psychologists worldwide: it is possible to master your intuition with practice and mindfulness. Honing into your intuition is incredibly important to developing intellect and comprehensive decisions.

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            drowned out by your rational (irrational) thoughts,

            A small tagline

            • The key is to listen to your thoughts and “feelings” when making important decisions.
            • Your intuition isn’t going to be loud and will more than likely be drowned out by your rational (irrational) thoughts, but that’s where the mindfulness comes into play - We'll provide more on this later.
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            Biohacking humanity

              Biohacking humanity

              • Since the dawn of humanity, we've been finding and creating ways to extend our capabilities. 
              • biohackers are maximizing performance by applying hacker ethics and scientific methods to experimental dietary and drug regimens
              • expanding their experience of the world and their ability to interact with it by directly implanting technology into their bodies. 
              • Why not remove perfectly healthy body parts to replace them with better performing prosthesis, or install various devices which enhance perfectly working, healthy anatomy. 
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              We need calm 

              Keeping Heart and Brain in Harmony


              • Managing stress helps you maintain focus and concentration, and improves your long term brain health. 
              • One of the best ways to de-stress is to practise meditation
              • We need calm - not more stimulation in the world
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              A small tagline

              Meditate at least 3 times / week.

              Go to BrainWorkshops Audio or try meditation apps such as Headspace. Make time to relax, regulate your breathing and have regular breaks.

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              exercise boosts cognitive performance

              As you engage in physical exercise, blood flow increases to your brain, and with it comes glucose and oxygen. 

              • There is perhaps no surprise then, that exercise boosts cognitive performance. 
              • Exercise also results in an increased production of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), the protein needed for brain plasticity (your brain’s capacity to ‘learn’). 
              • Regular exercise is also probably the single most effective way to reduce your chances of dementia and rate of cognitive impairment as you age. 
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              A small tagline

              • It’s recently been discovered that your brain is ‘washed’ of neural toxins while you sleep, and this may help explain why chronic sleep deprivation can have a severe affect on brain health and even result in the loss of brain cells over time. Research suggests that we need no less than 6 hours of sleep a night; any less, and your performance will suffer.
              • Recommendation: 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Once a week, do a ‘MindSweep‘ to prevent an overactive mind keeping you awake Bring your self stimulate itself to the present Hold your hand at night Thank u for this life
              • Recommendation: Move more, stretch, walk more. Sleep It is a confusing area and the simplest to track. 
              • Chris has just bought Bedit (product) to assess and track his sleep He is trying to set up IF to upload the results to a google spreadsheet which should be found here. We all know how tiredness can affect our performance. 
              • It’s not just sluggishness that is the cost, but our memory suffers too; sleep is known to play a significant role in the consolidation of memories. 
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              A small tagline

              Through biofeedback, you can learn to achieve certain behaviors like physical relaxation, tension or relaxation of certain muscles, or even a reduction of negative stress controlled and at will.

              This happens by influencing your breathing, muscle tension, heartbeat, blood flow, and perspiratory glands – all parts of your body that reflect the current state of certain parts of your nervous system. You can easily learn to get to HRV Coherance

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              heart function 

              heart function affects mental state

              Our understanding of how heart function affects mental and emotional well-being - signals sent from the heart to the brain via the nervous system dramatically affect how we think and feel.

              "These heart signals have a significant effect on brain function—influencing emotional processing as well as higher cognitive faculties such as attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving.”

              This feedback loop enables you to train yourself to react more calmly and rationally to stress, anger, and anxiety.

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              The Second brain

              • Gut Your body contains a separate nervous system that is so complex it has been dubbed the second brain.  Your gut comprises of an estimated 500 million neurons - about five times as many as in the brain of a rat  It is around 9 metres long, stretching from your oesophagus to your anus.  In addition to that we are three trillion microbes that live and die every day. We replenish rapidly - consistently reborn. Maybe an interesting study would be to look at the link between the various tissues and cell breakdown - we wonder if the reptilian part has longer lasting cells.
              • Our understanding of the second brain could pay huge dividends in our efforts to control all sorts of conditions, from obesity and diabetes to problems normally associated with the brain such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.  Cells in the second brain could even be used as a treatment themselves.
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              A small tagline

              • What are these neurotransmitters doing in the gut? In the brain, dopamine is a signalling molecule associated with pleasure and the reward system. 
              • It acts as a signalling molecule in the gut too, transmitting messages between neurons that coordinate the contraction of muscles in the colon, for example. 
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              longer lasting cells.

              we wonder if the reptilian part has longer lasting cells. 

              One experimental intervention for neurodegenerative diseases involves transplanting neural stem cells into the brain to replenish lost neurons. Harvesting these cells from the brain or spinal cord is not easy, but now neural stem cells have been found in the gut of human adults.

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              Food and Diet Brain

              Food and Diet Brain

              • Energy The brain's energy requirements are astronomical. The adult brain, although accounting for just two per cent of body weight, demands 20 per cent of the energy consumed at rest (the resting metabolic rate or RMR). 
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              A small tagline

              • Among children, whose brains grow rapidly, energy demands vary between 43 per cent and 85 per cent of RMR. 
              • Which explains why anything that tastes sweet and is high in energy proves so appealing to youngsters. 
              • Deficiencies in certain nutrients have been associated with impaired memory and cognitive performance, and dehydration can also cause concentration to suffer. 
              • More water > LESS sugar
            • 8.0 HOW TO FEEL - WELLBEING HRV / Aging



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              • The sympathetic system is like the body’s EMT; it helps the body react quickly to situations requiring fast action, such as threats of danger, by increasing heart rate, respiration, and perspiration.
              • During coherence, there tends to be a shift toward greater activity in the parasympathetic system.
              • Also a number of other systems in the body also become more synchronized to the heart rhythm.
              • The more you can stay in the coherence zone, the better your health and emotional well-being will tend to b
              • A more predictable, smooth pattern—known as “coherence”—helps enhance our ability to think clearly and remain emotionally stable.
              • During a state of high coherence, the functioning of your heart, brain, and autonomic nervous system are synchronized.
              • This state differs from relaxation, which usually involves a lowering of the pulse rate.
              • Coherence is not dependent on the number of heartbeats but rather on having an HRV that is smooth and consistent
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              a simultaneous state of relaxation, readiness, and revitalisation

              • When heart-rhythm patterns are coherent, the heart’s ability to perceive intuitive information is heightened.
              • Stress chemical pathways reverse, paving the way for increased synchronization between the heart and brain.
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              • It is in this synchronized state, which athletes call being “in the zone,” that you can achieve optimal mental clarity, cognitive performance and perception of intuitive information.
              • When coherence increases, there is more synchronization between the parasympathetic and sympathetic parts of the nervous system.
              • The parasympathetic system helps keep the body stable; it maintains normal functions and preserves body resources by aiding with digestion, controlling the bladder, and slowing down heart rate, among other things.
              • Your heart processes your caring attitude and responses into coherent rhythm patterns and these are sent to the brain, which in turn triggers remembered responses appropriate to or learned from previous similar situations.
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              unfavourable patterns


              • The chaotic, “incoherent” HRV that occurs during a stressful situation compromises brain function.
              • When heart-rhythm patterns are incoherent, disordered and irregular, your heart sends these unfavourable patterns to the brain, which then searches its stored heart-rhythm patterns in search of a match and simply triggers a remembered emotional response.
              • What you might call learned behaviour.
              • When things irritate or anger you and more often than not you respond by shouting or slamming a door the brain is likely to recommend the same emotional response the very next time something angers you.
              • Anger leads to incoherence, which leads to a negative response, which leads to continued incoherence
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              Developing Your Intuition

              Developing Your Brain in Intuition 


              • Your brain unconsciously organizes patterns into blocks of information called chunking, then stores these clusters of knowledge in your long-term memory.
              • When you see a tiny detail of a familiar design, you instantly recognize the larger composition
              • That's what we regard as a flash of intuition
              • Rather than being opposed, emotion and reason are deeply interrelated:
              • if you’re going to make sound and rational decisions you need to have first done prior accurate emotional processing.
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              prior emotional processing

              A small tagline

              • A hunch is a somatic marker: a physiological clue of what to do next.
              • If you have done such prior emotional processing, then your emotions accelerate your decision-making in the form of intuitions, hunches, and gut feelings

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              Developing Your Intuition

              A small tagline

              • Developing Your Intuition is the process of perceiving or knowing things to a high degree of certainty without conscious reasoning. 
              • definition of intuition to include not only conscious perception by the mind alone,
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              A small tagline

              • Also by the body’s entire psychophysiological system. 
              • This perception often is evidenced by a range of emotions and measurable physiological changes exhibited or detected throughout the body
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              intuitive abilities

              A small tagline

              • intuitive abilities we’re unable to attribute to subconsciously stored memories and experiences or to the conscious brain’s analytic processes
              • The body is connected by sensory perception to a field of energy that enfolds the information we attribute to intuition.
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              A small tagline

              • Testing has shown, events, sights, sounds and other stimuli in the environment around you contribute to your heart-rhythm patterns, and regardless of the favorability or unfavorability of these patterns, the heart transmits them to the brain for processing.
              • This process includes storing and remembering these patterns for future use.
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              neurofeedback = Body Language

                A small tagline

                Body Language

                • When you're anxious, you might feel tense in your back
                • When you're content, your shoulders and your hips might relax accordingly.
                • So when you're making a call about a future decision, these physical sensations guide (or bias) you toward or away from certain actions.
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                Brain Language


                  • Neurofeedback is a technological aid, that allows almost everybody to specifically control his or her brain’s activity. 
                  • Decadelong intensive research has proven it’s effectiveness. 
                  • Generally, the electrical activity of the brain is separated into various wave bands of different functionality and frequency which can often be correlated to the situation. 
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                  A small tagline

                  • Neurofeedback divides the brain’s electrical activity into frequency bands and displays them in a human distinguishable form. 
                  • By having these forms available for review at any given moment we are able to see the current situation from an internal perspective. 
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                  Title Text

                  A small tagline

                  The purpose of neurofeedback is to allow the user to increase the share ofthose frequency bands that are associated with better cognitive performance and to decrease those frequency bands that are associated with reduced activity of the brain

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                  positive reenforcement

                  A small tagline

                  • During a series of training sessions you will learn that a desired change in brainwave patterns results in positive reenforcement. In as much as you understand the ability for hypnotherapy and brain training to create ’operational conditioning’. 
                  • This simple ‘real time’ and consistent trusted biofeedback loop can help you to actually retain your peak states and and improve your cognitive functions
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                  A small tagline

                  Therapy therapy and Through neurofeedback you will learn how to influence your ‘ rain power’ by yourself and thus play an active part during training. in contrast to a passive role that relies solely on medication

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                  A small tagline


                  • Reptile + Mouse + Monkey + Biome
                  • Brain built from bottom up
                  • Take a moment to review these things.
                  • gradual accumulation of learning this much from experiences will make you feel happiness.
                  • Learning something rather than learning nothing = Actionable
                • 8.0 HOW TO FEEL - WELLBEING HRV / Aging

                  Show off your projects, features, or clients in this section.

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                  I am sometimes wounded

                  A small tagline

                  To text the amygdala

                  • You have the ability to focus your mind on what you want to focus on
                  • How to control it 
                  • NLP
                  • Can you measure EcG in each hemisphere
                  • As soon as think take mind away fro chatter
                  • The worst case scenario is that you have to spend 90 seconds to get rid of the chemicals.

                  • It takes 90 secs to flush the bad chemicals
                  • Move on
                  • Take responsibility of the energy you bring into the room
                • 10.0 How to think

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                  Thoughts to think

                  say these thoughts to your left reptilian brain. 

                  • I allow myself the willingness to set my ego aside and turn it off
                  • I can pick up with my ego where I left off later. 
                  • He ain’t going anywhere 
                  • Tell your brain that you appreciate the ability to think thoughts and feel emotions, but I am not really interested in thinking these thoughts or feeling these emotions any more.

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                  A small tagline

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                  Title Text

                  A small tagline

                  If you are standing

                  • Add a kinesthetic component to this saying and take a step to the right. 
                  • Give your mind something else to think about
                  • Only think one thought at a time
                  • So u have the power
                  • The feeling of inner peace is a neurological circuitry located in the right hemisphere.
                  • This is always running and available for us to hook into.
                  • The feeling of peace is something that happens in the present moment  
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                  inner peace

                  A small tagline

                  • It is not something hat we bring with us from the past or project into the future.
                  • Step one to experiencing inner peace is the willingness to be present in the here and now. 
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                  Inner peace

                  A small tagline

                  • What does one gains when something changes
                  • Inner peace 
                  • Energy radiating life
                  • Feeling strong and Loved
                  • Only moment that really matters is now
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                  peaceful states

                  cognitive loops

                  • The secret to hooking into any of these peaceful states is the willingness to stop the cognitive loops of thoughts and worries and any ideas that distract us from the kinesthetic and sensory experience of being in the here and now. 
                  • Stem from the unconscious of the right hemisphere
                  • Nurture one another
                  • Come into the world with the attention of that right
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                  cognitive loops

                  A small tagline

                  • Past has no power over the present moment of now
                  • Take responsibility for your rules
                  • The rules have changed and the game has changeD
                  • Take responsibility for your triggers
                  • We are able to access it
                  • Your thought are from a group of cells that are designed to make stories that make you feel safe in the external world
                  • Brain is just a group of cel
                  • Shit out 
                  • Living in the now
                  • If I turn my back 
                  • You disappear 
                • 11.0 Neuroplacity

                  Show off your projects, features, or clients in this section.

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                  A small tagline

                  • Adaptable - Neuroplacity Intelligence is not fixed. Studies have shown repeatedly that with training, supplements, and time – intelligence can always be increased. 
                  • Neuroplasticity – your ability to reshape your nervous system and brain – is proven to exist and we even know how to increase it. 
                  • However, your mindset often dictates your boundaries of intellectual capacity. Intelligence is not fixed. 
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                  A small tagline

                  • Studies have shown repeatedly that with training, supplements, and time – intelligence can always be increased. 
                  • To keep your brain young and adaptable, immerse yourself new experience. By embracing the unfamiliar and continuing to learn new skills, your brain will remain young and adaptable .
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                  A small tagline

                  The lasting ‘plasticity’ of your brain depends on the regularity with which you challenge it.

                  You may wish to learn a new language or instrument (both are amazing for your brain) or just become more curious – walk home from work a different route.

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                  A small tagline

                  Recommendation: Learn a new language / instrument / skill. Embrace online learning.

                  You may wish to learn a new language or instrument (both are amazing for your brain) or just become more curious – walk home from work a different route.

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                  A small tagline

                  • Socialise too – it is not only good for your emotional well-being, it’s also good for your brain.
                  • Explore, seek novelty and the unfamiliar. 
                  • Socialise regularly. 
                  • Neuroplasticity - your ability to reshape your nervous system and brain is proven to exist and we even know how to increase it.
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                  A small tagline

                  • a positive emotional state reinforces, and a negative emotional state inhibits, one's current mode of thought
                  • depressed mood is associated with greater attention or sensitivity to negative information
                  • an effect that may underlie biased perception of outcomes
                  • both effects can be seen to reflect an implicit belief that things are worse than the objective evidence suggests
                • 12.0 BRAIN MECHANICS

                  I feel like i chose to feel.

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                  Brain mechanics

                    100 billion cells

                    The brain is one of the most complex entities in the universe.

                    • The brain of a modern human consists of some 100 billion cells
                    • Each of which connects and communicates with up to 10,000 other cells. 
                    • Together they forge an elaborate network of some one quadrillion connections
                    • The hippocampus is the area of the brain often linked to short and long term memories and connecting the emotions to the senses. 
                    • There are 2 sides of the cerebral cortex

                      The left and right halves of the brain do function in some different ways, but these differences are more subtle than is popularly believed

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                    A small tagline

                    To understand the mechanics of the creative process of a decision, it is useful to have a deeper understanding of the structure and functioning of the brain.

                    • Brain is divided into a left and a right hemisphere called cerebral hemispheres (neocortex).
                    • Within the two hemispheres there are the neocortex and limbic system (including the corpus callosum).
                    • The left side processes small details of things you see
                    • The right processes the overall shape
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                    purposeful behavior

                    4 brain parts

                    These four parts are profoundly divided yet well interconnected to each other.


                    80 percent of the brain is in the neocortex which manages processes concerning vision, hearing, body, sensations, intentional motor control, reasoning, cerebral thinking and decision-making, purposeful behavior, language, and non-verbal ideation

                    The frontal lobes of neocortex are the most uniquely human of all the components of the brain as they are responsible for intentionality, foresight, and planning and plays a central role in evaluating our actions, forming goals and objectives, and implementing the plans

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                    frontal lobes

                    A small tagline

                    The frontal lobes have great cognitive power that allows humans to look to the future, predict and be proactive. This power gives humans the ability to seek goals, make plans, dream and manipulate models to represent

                    predict the future Most importantly they allow us 'read' other people’s minds and intentions.

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                    Corpus callosum

                    A small tagline

                    The ratio of the corpus callosom to the volume of the hemispheres has got smaller over evolution and one of the main functions of the corpus callosum is in fact to inhibit the other hemisphere.


                    Corpus callosum as a part of limbic system, connects the two cerebral hemispheres, is believed to have between 200 and 300 million fibers. 

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                    Reptile - limbic system

                    A small tagline

                    The two halves of the limbic system are nestled into each of the two cerebral hemispheres and make up most of the rest of the thinking cortex. The limbic system (including Corpus Callosum) has one of the richest blood supplies in the body

                    It regulates eating, drinking, sleeping, waking, body temperature, chemical balances such as blood sugar, heart rate, blood pressure, punishment, hunger, thirst, aggression, rage and most importantly producing emotions.

                    In other words, it has the power to overwhelm logical thinking with emotional energy.

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                    Reptile - cerebellum

                    more nerve cells

                    The cerebellum is a powerful mechanism with more nerve cells than the rest of the brain combined. It quickly processes information from all other parts of the brain, such as motor areas, cognitive areas, language areas, and areas involving emotional functions. Its connections to the cerebral cortex resemble segregated bundles, which allow it to communicate complex information.

                    The cerebellum is involved not only in skilled motor performance but in skilled mental performance as well as sensory acquisition, discrimination, tracking and prediction.

                    The other important part of the brain which is involved in processing emotions especially fear is amygdala


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                    right brain funtionality

                    A small tagline

                    Within the four areas, there are two patterns of brain functioning, situational functioning and iterative functioning. To improve efficiency, the brain determines which part to activate based on the particular situation In short his theory is based on what is known as the lateralization of brain function.

                    The right brain is the superior cerebral member when it came to performing certain kinds of mental tasks.


                    The connections within the brain can be categorized in two parts, those within each hemisphere and those between the hemispheres and the two halves of the limbic system.

                  • 13.0 LEFT AND RIGHT HEMISPHERE

                    Joined by the ?

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                    Left Brain

                    sharply focused attention to detail. 

                    The Left mind is equally amazing and responsible for taking all the energy, all of that information about the present moment and all of those magnificent possibilities perceived by my right mind and turning them into something manageable.


                    The Left hemisphere thinks in patterned responses to incoming stimuli. The Left brain breaks the 'big picture' perception of the present moment into manageable and comparable bits of data that it can talk about. It thrives on weaving facts and details into a story and excels at language. With the left hemispheres we grasp tools and we solve problems.


                    The Left mind thrives on details and uses words to describe, define, categorize and communicate everything.


                    When the brain already knows something is important and we want to be precise about it we use our left hemispheres in that way. It functions like a serial processor as It takes each complex and rich moment and strings them together in a timely manner and in a linear and methodical configuration. The left brain categorizes info into hierarchies - compares us to everyone else's.


                    The Left brain teaches us where our body begins and ends with relation to the boundaries of our bodies relative to the space around us


                    Left brain categorizes and critically analyses absolutely everything It thrives on constant contemplation and calculation. It thinks sequentially, identifies patterns and is adept at processing large quantities of information remarkably fast.

                    Left mind is the tool by which you communicate to the outside world.


                    He makes you a multi-Tasker and loves performing many functions as it can at the same time. It is superb at predicting what we will think, how we will act and what we will feel in the future.


                    One of the jobs of our left hemisphere language centers is to define ourselves by saying I am. That inner voice:- The Brain chatter, well that happens in the left hemisphere.



                    • The world of the left hemisphere is dependent on abstraction, and it yields clarity and power to manipulate things that are known.It establishes neurological circuits that run automatically to sensory perception.
                    • Has loops of thought patterns that are able to interpret large volumes of data
                    • Left brain clock helped establish linearity between thoughts - time and sequence and relativity.
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                    Right Brain

                    creative excitement

                    ​The creative world of the right hemisphere is creative excitement and is always looking out for things that might be different from our expectations. It is spontaneous, care free and imaginative and allows creativity without inhibition and judgement. To the right mind no time exists apart from the present moment and that moment of now is timeless and abundant. The Right mind is all about the richness of the current moment It is filled with gratitude for my life and everyone and everything in it.


                    One of the natural functions of my right mind is to bring me new Insight into the moment so I can update old files and it is social and drives my willingness to try something new. It is content, compassionate, nurturing and eternally optimistic


                    In the consciousness of the right mind, we are laced together as the universal tapestry of human potential. My right hemisphere is directly connected to my feelings of inner peace. It is committed to the expression of peace, love, joy and compassion to the world. It is the bit of my brain that wonders at the vastness of the universe but rather than make me feel small and isolated it makes me feel an enormous and expansive wonder.


                    The absence of the left hemisphere is perhaps the best way to describe what the right mind does. With no left hemisphere I have no ability to determine my own physical boundaries and no internal clock. When you meditate you are trained to relish the right hemisphere in its attachment to the eternal flow.


                    Without the left brains ability to see patterns I have no way to identify myself as a complex organism made up of multiple interdependent systems I can venture Into the unfettered peaceful fluid bliss of divine right mind.


                    • Shifted from the doing conscious of the left brain 
                    • One of the natural functions of my right mind is to bring me new Insight into the moment so I can update old files. 
                    • Right hemisphere Controls left half of body Functions like a parallel processor Independent streams of stimulation simultaneously burst into our brain via each sensory system Rich with sensations, thoughts, emotions and physiological response

                    • Everything is made up of atoms and molecules vibrating in space, we are made up of trillions of cells, gallons of water and everything about us exists in a constant and dynamic state of activity. 
                    • Your right mind celebrates its freedom in the universe and is not bogged down by my past or fearful of what future may or may not bring. 
                    • It doesn't just care about the life and health of all my cells but our mental health as a society and our relationship with mother earth. 
                    • The two halves of my brain don't just perceive and think in different ways at a neurological level, but they demonstrate very different values based upon the types of info they perceive and thus exhibit very different personalities. 

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                      A small tagline

                      The hemispheres don’t work in isolation; rather, they always work together as a system.


                      They Both work in unison 'dual interpenetrating awareness' - peaceful should be a place where we begin rather than the place we try to achieve.

                      • Left understands details making up the structure and semantics, words, meanings, sentences, structure Right hem compliments the action of our left hem by interpreting non verbal commas, tone of voice, facial expresssion, body language 
                      • It is very hard to distinguish between our left and right characters simply because we experience ourselves as a single person with a simple conscious. 
                      • Two hemispheric personalities not only think about things differently but they process emotions and carry my body in easily distinguishable ways - body language. 
                      • By trying to recognize who is who inside our cranium we can take a more balanced- brain approach to how we lead our lives. 
                      • Creating a healthy balance between the two characters enables us the ability to remain flexible enough to welcome change ( right hem ) and yet remain concrete enough to stay on a path ( left hem) 
                      • The more conscious attention we pay to a specific circuit the more impetus those circuits or thought patters have to run again with minimal external stimulation Separate Fear is amygdala Language 
                      • Think sequential linear numbers communicate with external world Judgement Fear 
                      • Lost ego - I am If left dies? Part of language Lefts side 
                      • Helps you love into the future 
                      • The ego is the price we pay for language
                      • However important aspects of it are in the right. And about visual imagery, it also would be the result of interaction of both hemispheres. For a creative functioning of language, vision, imagination, reason, and emotion both hemispheres should be involved. It has been seen that interactive connection of right-left brain would be the source of creativity.
                      • Operating systems
                      • Humans appear to have two very different “operating systems.” System 1 is our quick, instinctual, and often subconscious way of operating.
                      • it is controlled by our right brain and by other parts of our brain that have been around since prehistoric times, known as the “limbic” and reptilian” parts of our brain. 
                      • System 2 
                      • is our slower, more analytical, and conscious way of operating – it is controlled by our left brain and by newer parts of our brain that have only developed since prehistoric times (also known as the “neocortex”). 
                      • Researchers have found that intuition is part of System 1, which is why it comes on so rapidly and often does not make rational sense to us. 
                      • In other words, intuitive decisions are not something that we have thought out carefully with reason, but rather choices that have arisen quickly out of instinct. 
                      • But not to forget that in general, the two hemispheres of the brain work together to orchestrate every human activity.
                      • Two hemispheres approach every situation slightly differently.
                      • Understanding and enhancing the use of one side or the other can enhance creative endeavors 
                      • However it is not true that one part of the brain does reason and the other does emotion. 
                      • In fact both are profoundly involved in both. 
                      • Moreover is not true that language resides only in the left hemisphere as important aspects of it are in the right. 
                      • Visual imagery is the result of interaction of both hemispheres.
                      • For a creative functioning of language, vision, imagination, reason, and emotion both hemispheres should be involved. 
                      • It has been seen that interactive connection of right-left brain would be the source of creativity.
                      • In the other words creativity is about shifting between rationality and intuition. 
                      • Interactive connecting of the left part of brain to the intuition source of right brain can provide outstanding performance in decision-making and problem solving. 
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                      A small tagline

                      The hemispheres don’t work in isolation; rather, they always work together as a system.


                      They Both work in unison 'dual interpenetrating awareness' - peaceful should be a place where we begin rather than the place we try to achieve.

                      • Left understands details making up the structure and semantics, words, meanings, sentences, structure Right hem compliments the action of our left hem by interpreting non verbal commas, tone of voice, facial expresssion, body language 
                      • It is very hard to distinguish between our left and right characters simply because we experience ourselves as a single person with a simple conscious. 
                      • Two hemispheric personalities not only think about things differently but they process emotions and carry my body in easily distinguishable ways - body language. 
                      • By trying to recognize who is who inside our cranium we can take a more balanced- brain approach to how we lead our lives. 
                      • Creating a healthy balance between the two characters enables us the ability to remain flexible enough to welcome change ( right hem ) and yet remain concrete enough to stay on a path ( left hem) 
                      • The more conscious attention we pay to a specific circuit the more impetus those circuits or thought patters have to run again with minimal external stimulation Separate Fear is amygdala Language 
                      • Think sequential linear numbers communicate with external world Judgement Fear 
                      • Lost ego - I am If left dies? Part of language Lefts side 
                      • Helps you love into the future 
                      • The ego is the price we pay for language
                      • However important aspects of it are in the right. And about visual imagery, it also would be the result of interaction of both hemispheres. For a creative functioning of language, vision, imagination, reason, and emotion both hemispheres should be involved. It has been seen that interactive connection of right-left brain would be the source of creativity.
                      • Operating systems
                      • Humans appear to have two very different “operating systems.” System 1 is our quick, instinctual, and often subconscious way of operating.
                      • it is controlled by our right brain and by other parts of our brain that have been around since prehistoric times, known as the “limbic” and reptilian” parts of our brain. 
                      • System 2 
                      • is our slower, more analytical, and conscious way of operating – it is controlled by our left brain and by newer parts of our brain that have only developed since prehistoric times (also known as the “neocortex”). 
                      • Researchers have found that intuition is part of System 1, which is why it comes on so rapidly and often does not make rational sense to us. 
                      • In other words, intuitive decisions are not something that we have thought out carefully with reason, but rather choices that have arisen quickly out of instinct. 
                      • But not to forget that in general, the two hemispheres of the brain work together to orchestrate every human activity.
                      • Two hemispheres approach every situation slightly differently.
                      • Understanding and enhancing the use of one side or the other can enhance creative endeavors 
                      • However it is not true that one part of the brain does reason and the other does emotion. 
                      • In fact both are profoundly involved in both. 
                      • Moreover is not true that language resides only in the left hemisphere as important aspects of it are in the right. 
                      • Visual imagery is the result of interaction of both hemispheres.
                      • For a creative functioning of language, vision, imagination, reason, and emotion both hemispheres should be involved. 
                      • It has been seen that interactive connection of right-left brain would be the source of creativity.
                      • In the other words creativity is about shifting between rationality and intuition. 
                      • Interactive connecting of the left part of brain to the intuition source of right brain can provide outstanding performance in decision-making and problem solving. 
                    • The Left and Right brain

                      We've got a top notch team!

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                      Left Brain

                      A small tagline

                      Left Cerebellum


                      • The Left brain functions sequentially and excels at analysis while right brain operates holistically, reads emotions, and recognizes pattern right side of the brain is best at expressive and creative tasks. 
                      • Left Cerebral Cortex gathers facts, analyzes issues, solves problems logically, argues rationally, measures precisely, understands technical elements and considers financial aspects.


                      The left Cerebral Cortex

                      • Within the brain, the Left Cerebral Cortex interprets the words.
                      • specializes in text and analyzes the details;
                      • analyzes information in a linear manner.
                      • can find problems, identify parts, and grasp details.
                      Left Limbic System
                      • finds overlooked flaws, approaches problems practically, stands firm on issues, maintains a standard of consistency, provides stable leadership and supervision, reads fine print in documents and/or contracts, organizes and keeps track of essential data, 
                      • develops detailed plans and procedures, implements projects in a timely manner, articulates plans in an orderly way and keeps financial records straight.
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                      Title Text

                      A small tagline

                      Right Cerebellum


                      • The right cerebellum is a small portion of the brain that is responsible for controlling much of the movement involving the right side of the body. This differs greatly from most areas of the brain, because the right side of the brain usually controls the left side of the body. 

                      Right Cerebral Cortex

                      • The Right Cerebral Cortex reads signs of coming change, sees the big picture, recognizes new possibilities, tolerates ambiguity, integrates ideas and concepts, bends or challenges established policies, synthesizes unlike elements into a new whole, and does problem solving in intuitive ways.  The right part focuses on interactions and relationships. 
                      • Yet only the right brain can see the big picture. In dealing with big data and complex information for decision-making - frequent and proficient use of the right hemisphere becomes increasingly important and beneficial.
                      • The right Cerebral Cortex specializes in the context of text synthesizes information to create a whole and synthesizes the big picture.  It processes all of the nonverbal parts of the communication.

                      The right Limbic System recognises interpersonal difficulties, anticipates how others will feel and intuitively understands how others feel, picks up nonverbal cues of interpersonal stress and relates to others in empathetic ways


                    • 14.0 POWER and FOOD

                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

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                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

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                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

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                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

                      14.0 POWER and FOOD

                    • 15.0 BRAIN & COMPUTERS INTERFACE

                      15.0 BRAIN & COMPUTERS INTERFACE

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                      15.0 BRAIN & COMPUTERS INTERFACE

                      BRAIN & COMPUTERS INTERFACEA small tagline

                      BRAIN & COMPUTERS INTERFACE

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                      15.0 BRAIN & COMPUTERS INTERFACE

                      BRAIN & COMPUTERS INTERFACEA small tagline

                      BRAIN & COMPUTERS INTERFACE

                    • 16.0 NATURES BALANCE

                      16.0 NATURES BALANCE

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                      16.0 NATURES BALANCE

                      16.0 NATURES BALANCE

                      16.0 NATURES BALANCE

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                      Title Text

                      A small tagline
                      A sentence or two describing this item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet.
                    • The Blog

                      Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

                      November 9, 2015
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